G20 Emergency Simulation Exercise

During the G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting in Berlin on 19-20 May 2017, the Health Ministers, together with representatives of the World Health Organization and the World Bank, run a health emergency simulation exercise. The successful exercise was unique in such a context and prompted substantial interest in the exercise materials. Against this background, the “5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise Package” has been developed.

The name ‘5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise’ refers to five C-topics regarding global health crisis management around which the simulation exercise revolves: communication, collaboration, contributions, coordination and compliance.

The purpose of this package is to make the materials of 5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise available to those intending to run a similar exercise to explore core issues in global health crisis management.

The package provides you the following materials (for download):

1. Manual (Download (PDF, not accessible, 1 MB) - PDF, 1.51 MB)
2. Films (Link to YouTube Filmlist, Overview Download (PDF, not accessible, 26 KB) - PDF, 26 KB)
3. Supplementary artefacts
(Newspaper Download (PDF, not accessible, 3 MB) - PDF, 3.56 MB, Postcard Download (PDF, not accessible, 2 MB) - PDF, 1.91 MB)
4. Fact sheet of the fictitious country named “Anycountry” (Download (PDF, not accessible, 195 KB) - PDF, 196 KB)
5. Glossary (Download (PDF, not accessible, 115 KB) - PDF, 116 KB)
6. Sample agenda for the simulation exercise (Download (PDF, not accessible, 22 KB) - PDF, 22 KB)
7. Terms of use (Download (PDF, not accessible, 120 KB) - PDF, 71 KB)

To make the material relevant for other users all references to the “G20” have been removed from the original materials. It is therefore possible to tailor the resulting “5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise” to the specific needs and context of different target groups.

Last change: 1. December 2017

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