Strengthening Diversity – Promoting Health

More than 23.9 million people in Germany have a migration history (Destatis 2023). These include immigrants, descendants of immigrants and people who have been forced to flee their home countries. We live in a diverse society. Health equity is a key component of integration and effectively ensures participation.

Migration and integration

The demographic changes in Germany, the large number of people with a migration history who have been living in Germany for many years and the intensive skilled labour recruitment drive have also led directly to various policy-making tasks for the Federal Ministry of Health. For example:

  • Analysing and assessing health policy issues in connection with the healthcare of people with migration histories
  • Supporting national, European and international legislative proposals on migration and integration
  • Assisting in international political processes in the area of migration
  • Shaping the Federal Government’s integration policy with regard to health
  • Developing and participating in the Federal Government’s measures to combat racism and discrimination against people with migration histories in healthcare
  • Developing and funding innovative measures and pilot projects covering the entire thematic spectrum of the Federal Ministry of Health

Target group-specific communication and information

People who need medical or care-related assistance can count on Germany’s healthcare system. Reliable and efficient, it ensures that all people receive the treatment and support they need.

People with migration histories often encounter obstacles that impede their equal access to the healthcare system. Multilingual information materials facilitate access to healthcare and enable better health literacy. The ongoing improvement of target group-specific information on the German healthcare system is a key priority for the Federal Ministry of Health.

Further information and examples of pilot projects:

Transcultural opening

In healthcare and long-term care, people from very different cultures meet in sensitive situations. The Federal Ministry of Health strengthens culture-sensitive communication in outpatient and inpatient settings by developing and implementing measures to promote transcultural skills, for instance in long-term care, hospice care and palliative care. This includes identifying and analysing discrimination risks within the healthcare system.

Skilled labour recruitment and integration

Due to the demographic trends in Germany, the need for health and care professionals is also growing. Increasing the number of immigrating professionals and sustainably integrating people with a migration history into the health and care profession labour market is one of the most important political tasks. The Federal Ministry of Health is therefore piloting projects on professional, linguistic and sociocultural integration. These also include instruments to convey quality-assuring training, occupation and job-related language skills, such as blended specialist language learning.

Examples of pilot projects:


It is in the Federal Ministry of Health’s interests to improve access to preventive and health promotion services for people with migration histories. This should help prevent health risks and boost health awareness. The Federal Ministry of Health is developing and funding projects to strengthen primary and secondary prevention, for instance in the areas of vaccination or sports and exercise.

Example of a pilot project:

Improving the body of data

Good healthcare for everyone is only possible when specific healthcare needs are determined in concrete terms. A meaningful body of data on the health status of people with migration histories allows for better identification of needs and, as a result, target group-specific optimisation. The Federal Ministry of Health is therefore promoting various research projects in order to improve the data basis upon which public health decisions are made.

Cooperation with organisations and associations

Migrant organisations are important stakeholders within civil society and form a bridge to people with migration histories thanks to their specific access. With their work in various areas of society, they contribute significantly towards integrating people, irrespective of whether these have lived here for longer or are only just arriving in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Health is working together cooperatively with various national and international organisations and associations and participates in various exchange formats and bodies to jointly develop and implement measures to eliminate barriers to accessing healthcare, for instance.

Last change: 6. March 2025

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