Global Health Hub Germany (GHHG)

The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development is based on the idea that an intensified interdisciplinary dialogue and cooperation among all actors are necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This also goes for the health-related goals.

Background and objective

In Germany, a large number of diverse actors and stakeholders from various sectors are engaged in advancing global health. This is where the Global Health Hub Germany (GHHG) comes in. The Hub is a network that aims to bring together all non-state actors that are interested in Global Health. It seeks to make the individual actors visible and promote their exchange.  This enables the creation of new partnerships and cooperation projects - even across sectors and groups of actors.

It is precisely the diversity of its members that acts to the huge advantage of the Hub: they can learn from one another, prevent “insular solutions”, pool resources and jointly address global health challenges.

The Hub was launched by Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn in February 2019 with a kick-off event at the Federal Ministry of Health. The Federal Ministry of Health provides the seed funding for setting up the Hub.

Activities of the Global Health Hub Germany

The Hub offers various opportunities and formats for promoting cooperation and exchange:

  • Using different event formats, the Hub fosters regular exchange among its members. In addition to physical events such as the annual Global Health Talk, for instance, regular webinars are held to discuss current topics or give members the opportunity to present their work.
  • Entitled "New Ideas for Global Health", in autumn 2019 the Hub invited entries for an innovation contest. In January 2020, Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn honoured the three award-winning projects: an app to pay for health services, an initiative to promote global health as a subject at German medical schools and a database that collects information on project partnerships.
  • The members can share ideas and work together in cross-sectoral and cross-stakeholder working groups (WGs) on topics of their choice. In the meantime, various WGs have already been set up on topics such as “Implementation of the Global Digital Health Agenda“, “Climate and Health” or “Global Child Health”.
  • Via the interactive website with a members-only area, registered members can have an informal exchange in an interactive forum, join and cooperate within WGs or search for and contact experts on specialist subjects in the member database. 



Last change: 10. January 2025

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