Press contact

If you are a journalist, please contact our Press Office:

Federal Ministry of Health
Press Office (Pressestelle)
Mauerstraße 29
10117 Berlin

Tel.: 030-18441-2442 or -2225 (nationwide at local rates)
Email: pressestelle(at)


Please be aware that the press office is able to respond only to enquiries from media representatives.

The Ministry can be reached through the central number: 030-18441-0. We also wish to draw your attention to the telephone numbers for our Communication Centre. Its staff will answer, on our behalf, all of your questions relating to the health care system.

Citizens’ queries that are sent to the Press Office’s email address are forwarded to the Communication Centre in Rostock which has been entrusted by the Federal Ministry of Health with this task.

The press team of the Federal Ministry of Health:


Press Officers

Last change: 23. August 2023

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