Germany and Ukraine agree on closer cooperation in the field of health

In a Joint Declaration of Intent, Germany and Ukraine have agreed to strengthen their cooperation in the field of healthcare and public health.

02. February 2024
Vorschaubild zu dem Dokument "Joint Declaration of intent on cooperation in the field of Health betweend the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Federal Ministry of Health of the federal Republic of Germany"

Joint Declaration zwischen Deutschland und der Ukraine

Cooperation is to be intensified in a number of areas including prevention, communicable and non-communicable diseases, rehabilitation and mental health. Alongside rebuilding its healthcare system, Ukraine is planning far-reaching healthcare reforms.

Federal Minister of Health Prof. Karl Lauterbach had this to say: “Russia’s criminal war of aggression against Ukraine is hitting the country’s healthcare provision particularly hard. More than 1,500 attacks on healthcare facilities and medical staff have been documented since the war began. Since the beginning of Russia’s war of aggression, the German Federal Government has provided Ukraine with assistance amounting to 28 billion euros, including for the healthcare system. In addition, Germany has admitted and treated more than 900 injured patients here. The Ukrainian healthcare system continues to function despite these targeted attacks, and I would like to thank my counterpart Viktor Liashko for his indefatigable dedication to the well-being of the Ukrainian population and the strong relationship with Germany. Germany will also stand closely by Ukraine during its upcoming healthcare reform. This agreement allows us to provide new impetus for working more closely together, in particular with a view to Ukraine’s efforts toward EU accession.”

Ukrainian Minister of Health Dr. Viktor Liashko said: “The COVID-19 pandemic and especially the full-scale war have clearly demonstrated to us the importance of international medical partnerships. After all, no medical system can meet such challenges alone. The tool we offer is global cooperation. Last autumn, during the Third Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen, 16 health ministers supported a joint statement that combines four key topics: mental health, international health partnerships, health workforce development and mental health care. I am grateful to Germany for supporting the statement. The list of signatories is constantly expanding. Today we are signing a joint declaration that will further deepen our cooperation and define its key vectors: public health, prevention of infectious and non-communicable diseases, rehabilitation, mental health, professional development, and modernisation of healthcare systems.”

Closer cooperation between Ukraine and Germany in the area of health is to include support for the following:

  • exchange of experts and professionals for training measures,
  • exchange of expertise regarding organisation, structure and reforms in the field of health
  • and contacts among national health agencies, foundations and healthcare institutions.
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Health Minister Prof. Karl Lauterbach, Victor Liashko and Development Minister Svenja Schulze on the aid for Ukraine.

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Last change: 2. February 2024

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