The health ministers of the G7 countries in front of the Rotes Rathaus in Berlin on May 19, 2022 Global crises force the leading industrial countries to take action. Such crises show how important...
Through a General Administrative Act, the Federal Government has ensured that humanitarian organisations are able to export medicinal products, including narcotic drugs, unbureaucratically to...
In developing the Digitalisation Strategy, the Federal Ministry of Health used an intensive process in which more than 500 stakeholders from the health and care system were involved at an early...
G20 Health ministers‘ meeting At the invitation of Federal Minister of Health Hermann Gröhe, the first Meeting of Health Ministers of the Group of Twenty, leading industrialised and emerging...
Digitalisation enables faster, universal access to high-quality care, simplified communication between providers, tangible relief for healthcare and long-term care staff, and beneficial use of...
To assist important decisions, create transparency in responsibilities and facilitate acceptance for the transformation, patients, people in need of long-term care, family members, healthcare...
Open image in enlarged view Curriculum vitae Dr. Thomas Steffen (*25 December 1961) was appointed State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Health in Bonn/Berlin on 15 May 2019. Previously, from...
The revised Drinking Water Ordinance entered into force on 24 June 2023 . It transposes relevant requirements of the 2020 EU Drinking Water Directive into German law. The Drinking Water Ordinance...
To be better prepared for future health crises, the G20 Health Ministers, together with representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, had taken the opportunity to...
The EU Health Ministers called upon the European Commission to expand the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) into a forceful response centre for international health crises...