DART 2030 - German Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy

The Federal Ministry of Health teamed up with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development as well as the Federal Ministry for the Environment to develop the German Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy “DART 2030”.

Coverbild Broschüre DART2030

DART 2030 - German Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy


1st DART 2030 Action Plan (2024-2026)

The AMR Strategy was adopted by the Federal Cabinet in April 2023. It is designed to further deepen the results achieved with the predecessor strategy “DART 2020”. The goals to be achieved in fighting antimicrobial resistance on the national level and in the context of international cooperation are structured into six action areas.
DART 2030 is complemented by an Action Plan that sets out the measures initially prioritised in the individual action areas to achieve the goals identified.

Handlungsfelder der DART 2030

1. Prevention

Infection control measures help reduce infections, which in turn lessens the need for antibiotics. Prevention includes not only hygiene measures and vaccinations but also containing the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance in and via the environment as well as preventing the spread of AMR along the food chain.

2. Surveillance und Monitoring

Surveillance und Monitoring von Antibiotikaeinsatz und Antibiotika-Resistenzen sind notwendig, um in sämtlichen Bereichen den derzeitigen Stand feststellen sowie Verläufe und Trends erkennen zu können. Sie sind eine Voraussetzung, um gezielt Maßnahmen ergreifen und deren Wirkung messen zu können.

3. Appropriate Use of Antibiotics including Laboratory Diagnostics

The purpose of antibiotic stewardship (ABS) is to ensure indication-appropriate use of antibiotics and the best possible antibiotic treatment and to help reduce the development of AMR. ABS includes reliable diagnostics and the choice of a suitable antibiotic, specifying the appropriate duration of treatment course, dosage and pharmaceutical form.

4. Communication and Cooperation

The dissemination of knowledge is intended to raise awareness of the problems with infections addressed here as well as the causal link between indiscriminate antibiotic treatment and the emergence of AMR. Moreover, the dissemination of knowledge in and by specialist groups, including in medical training and further and continuing training is to be intensified. Another element is the exchange among the sectors involved and stakeholders.

5. European and International Health Policy

AMR is a global challenge that does not stop at national borders. Global trade and travel result in a closely knit network encompassing all regions of the world. Therefore, resistances that develop anywhere can lead to the global spread of pathogens that no longer respond to treatment. AMR poses a global health threat and has major implications for the global economy and food security. Therefore, international cooperation is essential to control the emergence and spread of AMR globally.

6. Research and Development

Research and innovation can contribute significantly to reducing AMR. This makes it necessary to support all relevant research areas – spanning from basic research, clinical research, healthcare research, research on public health issues, environmental and climate research, logistics research to collaborative research with the health and food sectors, agriculture, the building and construction sector, the healthcare sector as well as media and communications. In all phases of research and development, an understanding of prevailing needs and clinical practice must be created and given adequate consideration.

Last change: 6. January 2025

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