Digitalisation Strategy for Health and Care

The Federal Ministry of Health has developed a Digitalisation Strategy for Health and Care in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders.


Digital Together: Germany´s Digitalisation Strategy for Health and Care

In addition to a vision, goals and objectives for the digital transformation, the Strategy also sets out a regulatory framework and outlines the prerequisites for its successful, effective implementation. The Strategy document contains a detailed description of the measures to be taken.

  • Symbolbild Digitalisierung

    Digitalisation harbours wide-ranging benefits in healthcare and long-term care provision. It enables faster, universal access to high-quality care, simplified communication between providers, tangible relief for staff and the use of innovative technologies. It also offers solutions to societal challenges, such as the shortage of skilled healthcare professionals.

  • Brainstorming - Gruppe von Menschen

    Three central action fields have been identified in which digitalisation harbours vast potential for improvement in health and care: Digitally-assisted healthcare processes, use of health and care data, and benefit-oriented technologies and applications.

  • Blöcke bilden Treppe nach oben

    More than 500 people and institutions were involved in the Strategy’s development – among them, patients, representatives of people in need of long-term care and their family members, representatives from the medical and pharmaceutical community, long-term care and other healthcare professions, health and long-term care insurance funds and other cost carriers, the healthcare industry, the science community and many others.

  • Wanderer auf einem Berg

    Strategy implementation is the Federal Ministry of Health’s main focus. This is why key Strategy-related projects and programmes will be introduced by means of legislation this year. The task now at hand is to further develop and enhance the Strategy over the coming years, monitor its implementation and measure its success.

Last change: 17. March 2023

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