Current information for travelers

The Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations (Coronavirus-Einreiseverordnung – CoronaEinreiseV) regulates a uniform, nation-wide obligation to test, quarantine and furnish proof, as well as a ban on carriage from areas of variants of concern. The goal of the Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations is to reduce the risk of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, since travel movements and border traffic can introduce infections and lead to new hot spots of infection.


The Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations (CoronaEinreiseV) expires on 7 April 2023. After that date, entry into Germany will again be possible without coronavirus-related entry restrictions while observing the general entry requirements under the law of residence and relating to the border police (information from the Federal Ministry of the Interior "Lifting of COVID-19-related restrictions").

Last change: 7. April 2023

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