Best Practices in Patient Safety - 2nd Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety
Every patient, every citizen has a right to receive a high quality and reliable health care - in order to give prominence to this at an international level, the British Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt and the German Federal Minister of Health, Hermann Gröhe, initiated in 2016 an international exchange.
In 2016, at the First Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety in London, the subject was to exchange and discuss the basic knowledge available on patient safety. In 2017 in Bonn, the circle of participating health ministers has expanded to all UN regions. International experts on patient safety share the most important strategies for policymakers with the participating ministers. Main subjects of the exchange are economic aspects and efficiency questions of patient safety, as well as infection avoidance, medication safety and the use of innovations, such as mobile Health and Big Data.
In addition to the knowledge provided by the experts, the political experiences will form an additional basis for the discussions. In order to consolidate all of these experiences, the participating states have been invited to share their Best Practices. In this brochure, the examples have been systematically reviewed. By giving specific contacts to each individual example, they offer valuable suggestions for all decision-makers in the healthcare sector.